The Living Room
The Living Room is a furniture and household goods outreach program stocked wholly from donations from our surrounding community.
Used and occasionally new furniture and household items are shared with families who are in crisis, recovering from fire, eviction, mold infestation, or family violence. We often see young families with small children visiting The Living Room in search of very simple items such as a table, a chair, or a set of dishes. We have a partnership with Family Connections in Gilmer and Fannin Counties. This has enabled us to offer support to organizations such as the Women’s Crisis Center. We saw many similar organizations in our community increase referrals of families in need to The Living Room. The Living Room is open every day for donations and open to families to select their items two days a week.
If you have gently used, basic household goods and furniture ready to use, please contact The Craddock Center at 706-632-1772 to arrange a drop-off time. If you are in need of these items, please contact us as well.