Scouting at The Craddock Center

Cub Scout Pack 440
The Craddock Center is excited to announce that we have chartered a new Cub Scout Troop, Pack 440. The Scouting’s focus on children and family aligns perfectly with the mission of The Craddock Center. Scouting is based on the principles of loving and serving God, of human dignity and the rights of individuals, and of recognizing the obligations of members to develop and use their potential. It is a movement dedicated to bringing out the best in people. When Scouting can help nurture courage and kindness and allow children to play, laugh, to develop their imaginations, and to express their feelings, then we have helped them grow. The Craddock Center looks forward to working with Scouting leadership to promote and grow the new Pack 440. Pack 440 is considered a “Family Troop” consisting of both boys and girls.